I've given myself a little time now to catch up on a few other things and reboot before jumping into the first round of revisions on the next book. Like many writers suggest, I find it's good to take a little time out between drafts. The biggest benefit of which, in my experience, is having a chance to forget. If you can't remember every single line that's about to come, it makes it easier to be objective about what needs fixing and what doesn't. I figure for Space Junk, I went over the entire thing at least ten times. I'm hoping to cut that down now that I have some more experience under my belt, but I won't know until I get there. There are a lot of small story alterations I make as I go, but most of what I worry about is wording and flow, and then I repeat the clean-up process until I stop running into awkward passages. It can be tedious, but I can actually see my writing improving with each pass.
May 2024