I'm yet again engrossed in the New Year's Eve Twilight Zone Marathon on Syfy and am yet again struck by just how incredible the writing is. It's a master class in short science fiction and horror. One of my favorites is on now, Nothing in the Dark, about a woman who comes in direct contact with "Mr. Death." It's a frightening, moving, and ultimately optimistic reflection on the ultimate unknown. Another classic, Hocus Pocus and Frisby, is coming up a littler later. An ode to tall tale tellers, with aliens, it's a fun out-of-this-world adventure on the other end of the episode spectrum. More than 60 years later, there's still nothing like TZ for inspiration. Here's wishing all you readers and writers a Happy New Year, from the Twilight Zone!
Time has come for another update. I'd like to make it a habit to keep up with these posts more, even just to get my thoughts out. I'm about halfway through the first draft of the next book. This one is part of the Space Junk series but will be sort of a departure from the main story. The last few weeks have been particularly long and difficult for some reason, but the pieces finally started falling into place over the last couple days. So much of the difficulty in writing comes from managing the rest of your life that by the time you get in front of the page you can barely think straight. It can be brutal when the words don't want to come. I've hit similar blocks around the same point during each book, and I've found that the only thing to do is grind through it with faith that you'll come out on the other side, because you will. And when you finally solve the impossible problem, it'll be all the sweeter. I hope all you readers and writers are staying well and keeping the dream alive during the holidays, one word at a time.
May 2024